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Assets For Kids, in Kids’ Language


I have people in my family who love and care about me.


I ask my parents when I need advice.

I have other adults who care about me, besides my parents.

My neighbors watch out for and care about me.


My school is a caring place.

My parents help me to do my best work in school.

My neighbors and friends and family care about me.

Kids in my neighborhood are important.


I help out in my family and neighborhood

I feel safe at home and in my neighborhood

My family has rules and I follow them.

My school has rules and I follow them.

My neighbors help me when I need it.

Parents and other adults show me what good behavior is.


My friends show me what good behavior is.

My parents and teachers help me do my best in school.

I study music, art, or drama at home or outside of school.

I play sports and/or I am in a club.




I spend time at home with my family and some time with my friends.  There is a healthy balance.

I like school and I work hard to do my best.

I love to learn.

I do my homework every day.

I care about my school.

I like to read with my parents and I also read on my own.

I think it is important to help others who need help.

I stand up for things that are not fair.

I tell the truth even when it is hard.

I am responsible and I take good care of myself and my things.

I take good care of my body and my mind and I make healthy choices.

I know how to plan ahead and make good choices.

I know how to make and keep good friends.

I have friends who are different than me.

I can say “no” to things that are bad or dangerous for me.

I solve problems nicely.

I am in control of myself.  I can make good or bad things happen to me.  It is up to me.

I like who I am.  I am proud of me.

I can do lots of different things.

I have great dreams for when I grow up.

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